Cllr Paul Williams is in contact with CWC Planning Department, Crowton Parish Council and local residents regarding local concerns over the recent planning application 21/02013/FUL on Norley Lane.
Paul attended the June meeting of Crowton Parish Council and stated:
“This application is contentious and the site in question already has a checkered history. A planning officer, Ed Bannister, has now been allocated to the case and I have spoken to him this afternoon. I have also arranged to meet with him next week to discuss the application face to face.
In the event that the officer, having considered the details, is minded to use his discretionary powers to grant the application, then I have asked that the application should be ‘called in’.
This means that these discretionary powers are overridden and that the application has to be heard by the full planning committee. I will have the opportunity to speak at the meeting as will a limited number of interested parties. Generally the right to address the committee is limited to a period of three minutes per individual.
In the meantime, I would urge all of you who have valid and cogent objections, to lose no time in submitting your comments to”.